Watermelon Themed Thank You Gift Certificate Template
in Business Gift Certificates , Gift CertificatesChoose Your Desired Option(s)
This watermelon themed thank you gift certificate template is very interesting in appearance. You can see images of watermelon on the gift certificate template. It shows that it is a thank-you gift certificate. This is written in a white enclosed background. The font is orange and stylish. There is a small watermelon the corner of this enclosed white box. There is another white box right next to it. It also contains a small watermelon on the top right corner. This box says a thank you note. There is space for writing the names of the persons sending and receiving this gift certificate. You can see the valid date as well. The main background is black in color, which is giving the overall design and theme a great look. You can see some small rectangular boxes on the left and right borders. These are present in the upper border as well but the lower border is plain. However, the lower side of the gift certificate consists of the images of three watermelons.