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This award certificate template-Word, PDF is available for download. The relevant price of the certificate is mentioned as well and it shows that it is compatible with MicrosoftⓇ Word. There is a file for PDF and Word. This particular certificate uses different shades of pink and the use of the font is stylish. It shows that there is a need to include the name of the certificate, the first and last name of the person receiving it, and the relevant content. The content of the award certificate template should be such it is motivational to the receiver. There are spaces for names along with designation. This kind of certificate is basically a sign and a source of motivation to the one receiving it. It shows that the person receiving it has done hard work and thus, had been able to achieve this particular certificate. This person is likely to cherish and remember it for the rest of their life, which is why the overall look and design of the template should be appealing to the eyes.