Microsoft Publisher Marriage Certificate

Marriage Certificate Template Format in English


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This marriage certificate template format in English has a good design and is available for the download. It is compatible with MicrosoftⓇ Word and there is a file for PDF and Word. It is available in black and gold at the mentioned price. The four borders have the same design with star-like design at the corners, which makes this certificate quite appealing to the eyes. The choice of the font is readable, which makes it easy to read the content on the certificate. There is space for the name of the bride and groom. There is space for signatures, witnessed, officiated by, and so much more. When selecting a particular template, it is important to see whether it has all the relevant and required information since it is vital for the couple. A marriage certificate is a reminder of how important and sacred this relationship is and it is a reminder of the official announcement that the two souls care for each other and decided to go ahead in life as one couple.

Product Information

  • File Included

    Word, PDF

  • Compatible With

    Microsoft® Word

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